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We're quite good actually!

Friday, May 26, 2006

We are chuffed to bits that our work for Heaven Spa has achieved recognition by our peers in the digital sector. the website was entered in the Best Commercial Website category at the Big Chip Awards. We didn't win but we received a special commendation. I'm told these are awarded when the result is almost too close to call so that sort of means we built the second best commercial website in the North West. Not too shabby at all.

The event itself was lots of fun which is why i'm posting this two days after the fact. A lot of recovering was necessary.


Web inventor warns of 'dark' net

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Spanish Water Dogs Website Updated

Monday, May 01, 2006

We've just updated the Spanish Water Dogs website we did some time ago for our friend Janet.

It's got new content and photos, so if you're interested in Spanish Water Dogs and Breeding Spanish Water Dogs then have a look. It's a very informative site giving excellent advice to anyone thinking of buying a Spanish Water Dog or importing a Spanish water Dog from Spain.
